Current Humanitarian Projects
Supporting Refugees
APWCR maintains the priority of helping refugees who have fled war and conflict in their native countries meet their essential needs. Such needs include water, basic food items (rice, beans), and clothes.
Helping Internally Displaced Persons
APWCR is focusing on providing basic needs to internally displaced women and children, who currently live in the forest due to war in their villages. These needs include feminine hygiene products and survival kits for children (soap, food). We plan to target at least 1,000 women and children in at least 10 African countries.
Constructing Classrooms
APWCR is currently working on constructing 2 classrooms per school for 10 schools in 10 African countries each. In addition to building the classrooms, APWCR is also working on installing plumbing and providing students with educational materials.
Building Wells for Clean Water
APWCR is undertaking a project to build wells for clean water in African rural communities. People who live in these communities have to walk up to 2 miles, often further, to get their water, which is typically unclean, unsafe and too exhaustive especially for teenage mothers and children.
Providing Medical Facilities
APWCR plans to establish subsidiary medical clinics for rural communities that lack medical services. A group of volunteer doctors and nurses would be able to provide villagers with basic medication and treatment for common illnesses.
Promoting and Advocating Human Rights
APWCR has always promoted human rights education as a fundamental part of its mission. Since APWCR’s inception, it has hosted human rights seminars, distributed pamphlets, and broadcasted podcasts to fight forced marriage, child labor, female genital mutilation, and other human rights abuses.
Past Humanitarian Projects
Funding with a Plantain Farm
APWCR partnered with Global Giving to establish a plantain farm. Harvesting plantains not only served as a form of local employment but also served to raise money to support APWCR activities.
Giving Human Rights Lectures to rural Communities
APWCR in partnership with Dr. Michel Mouyelo Katoula and wife Dr. Jeanne Katoula who served at the World Bank, European Union - EU, and many United Nations agencies, lectures Ediki Mbonge community on basic human rights, focusing on the rights of women, children’s rights and international civil and political rights.
Human Rights Seminars
APWCR held a 5 day seminar to educate adults on human rights. This seminar covered the participant’s rights, how to report a human rights abuse, and the code of conduct for law enforcement officials.
Training Seminar on Human Rights for Children
APWCR organised a two-day training seminar on human rights for children between the ages of 9 and 17 years in its conference hall Limbe.
Police Station Visitor Week
APWCR worked with the local police department in Cameroon, partnered with Cleen Foundation Nigeria and Altus Global Alliance New York to put on a week-long event. The goal of this event was to help facilitate the improvement of relations between the local community and the police force.
Children's Human Rights Campaign
APWCR in partnership with Ms. Valentina Barbacci held a children's rights, human rights campaign at Amassi clan in Cameroon, which attracted about 60 adults watching and listening to APWCR facilitators and some of the children. “Amassi” is also called in her native language as “Etie Tadone”